Amazing Asparagus – Jeremy Scott –

If you didn’t know asparagus is amazing, the health benefits are endless and if it’s not currently in your diet it should be. The basics about asparagus, it’s a perennial that can be planted as seeds or roots anytime of the year. It’s a super anti-aging, detox vegetable that can help transform your body inside and out.

Here are the top 3 reasons you need asparagus in your life.
1- Fighting Anti-Aging
None of us are getting any younger, so why not try and combat Father Time with this green superhero. Asparagus is full of vitamin A, potassium and glutathione – which is an amino acid compound with strong antioxidant properties. Antioxidants are crucial in the fight against aging –they also protect cells from free radicals.

2. Doing it BIG with Detox
Asparagus has over 280 milligrams of potassium per cup. Why is that important? Potassium has been known to reduce belly fat, this reason alone should send you to the store in search of the mighty green stalks. The sodium content of asparagus is almost nothing, making it a “NO” bloat food and with zero fat and only 40 calories per cup it’s a great addition to any meal. It truly is the ultimate detox food.

3. Fighting with Folate
When it comes to protecting yourself from Cancer –you can never have enough armor in the fight. Folate is your firepower – asparagus is high in folate –which is known to be an important weapon in the fight with Cancer. Folate is also great for reducing inflammation and pain, as well as reducing the risk of heart disease.

So what we know now – asparagus helps reduce pain, inflammation, fights cancer, heart disease, is pumped full of antioxidants, and is rich in vitamin K, vitamin A, folate, potassium, high in fiber, with zero sodium and fat. Not to mention it tastes amazing, are you sold yet?

Kick Ass Today – Jeremy Scott -Prolab Sponsored Athlete –


Photo Credit: James Patrick –


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