Jeremy Williams -Jeremy Scott Fitness Member of the Month

Hey JSF Nation, here is the Feb. 2012 member of the month, JDUB as I call him -dude is in beast mode 24/7 and works his ass off each and everyday he comes in!!!! I have some FREE Prolab BCAA’s coming to you tomorrow brother -keep pushing those limits, it helps keep me personally motivated!!!!


Member of the Month

Jeremy Williams

Where are you originally from?

Technically, born on the east coast, but I’ve been in Phoenix, and specifically northeast Phoenix since second grade. I went to high school literally down the street from JSF.

How long have you been coming to JSF boot camps?

I started this past September during the whole weight loss/30 day challenge. The initial 30 day challenge got me hooked. So I’m coming up on 5 months, if my math is correct.

What was your fitness regimen prior to JSF boot camps and what made you choose/switch to JSF Boot camps?

Prior to April 2011, by workout regimen consisted of reminiscing about how bad-ass I was in high school as I drank multiple bottles of Fat Tire. I had honestly let myself go. I was pushing 285-290 lbs at my worst in the first part of 2011. I started a light regimen in February to get ready for an obstacle course race that happened in April, but my regimen consisted of running on a treadmill or the track 4 or 5 nights a week. I started to mix in some basic weight training at that time as well. I lost a little bit of weight, but I wasn’t seeing any REAL results. I was able to run 5-6 miles, I was losing a bit around the belt, but I didn’t feel any better. I didn’t look much better. My clothes weren’t getting any looser, and I was still rocking a 42 inch waist.

Several factors played in my decision to switch to JSF.

1) Someone (you know who you are) convinced me to sign up for the race from Hell; Tough Mudder. I knew deep down that if I didn’t have some coordinated and regimented program, I wasn’t going to be able run that race and live to tell the tale.

2) I have several friends who were going to JSF religiously, and honestly, the results were very apparent. Just based on their individual results, I was convinced that these guys knew what they were doing.

What do you like best about JSF boot camps?

I think where I used to falter, and where many people falter in their workouts, is that they do it ALONE. A partner pushes you, and partner motivates you, and a partner gives you a hard time when you don’t go all out. Going to JSF, not only do you have 3“partners”, you have 20-30 partners in your workout every day. Every single person who shows up there is pushing you to go further, faster, harder in their own little way. And honestly, the camps are TOUGH. The people who show up there aren’t in it to half-ass it. So you have 20-30 motivated people pushing you to do more every day.

What do you like to do in your free time?

I’m a movie nut. Even if I haven’t seen it, or even if I even didn’t like it, I can probably tell you when it was made, who directed it, and every major actor and actress who was in it. “Scene It” is the greatest trivia game ever made, and my only regret is that no one will play it with me in the room anymore because they will lose every time. I also memorize completely useless facts. I’ve qualified for the show Jeopardy twice, but I’ve never been able to make it to Los Angeles when I get the invite.

What’s your favorite cheat meal?

Pizzeria Bianco – Wiseguy pizza. Or Pane Bianco (the mozzarella and tomato sandwhich). Or YC’s Mongolian bbq. Don’t know if YC’s a cheat or not, I should probably figure that out.

What is your Advice for other members?

Set short term and long term goals. Set some goals for each month, and for each 3 months, and for 6 months, and a year. Sign up for a 5k or a dumb obstacle race every 3 or 6 months. Sign up for a 10k 3 months after that. Sign up for a half marathon 6 months after that. Keep pushing to move up to that next level. You’ll be shocked at what you can do when you keep challenging yourself to get outside your comfort zone.

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